I am a dance artist working in health, wellbeing, and education.
My work is guided by a curiosity in difference and individuality, in how we move and experience the world.
Dance artist for health, wellbeing and education
‘You realise there are people who will help you and give you encouragement and just a bit of normality…’
Stroke Survivor
Projects Past & Present
I invite you to have a look at the projects I have delivered and those I am working on now:
in the community, hospitals, hospices, and schools; with stroke survivors, people living with Parkinson’s, dementia, with carers and with children with disabilities.
The people who take part in the projects inspire my work as does the astonishing environment of where I live in the North Pennines, and work in Cumbria.
My New Morning Regime: Teeth, Dogs, Tea, DANCE, Work.
Over the past 3 days I have been at a dance in health lab : ‘Meeting Places: dance, health, imagination’ held at Independence, London. It was led by three phenomenal people who work in this extraordinary often un known and un noticed field of work: Cia Thomas, Filipa...
About Being out West
This week I start a new project with stroke survivors at West Cumbria Hospital. I am working with live musician, Melanie Clapham, which is such a treat! It means that we can be truly responsive to each person’s movements: if the tempo needs to be slower in order...
Welcome to my new website! Designed by Colin Usher, we have gone for telling the stories of my work through images, which I hope you enjoy. It was a trip down memory lane when looking back at some of the past projects I have led on… The children in 150. I wonder...